Café de Crié - Kawaguchi Casty in Kawaguchi

JapanCafé de Crié - Kawaguchi Casty



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒332-0017 Saitama, Kawaguchi, Sakaechō, 3-chōme−7−1 4F
kontakte telefon: +81 48-242-0461
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.8023842, Longitude: 139.7191424

kommentare 5

  • 髙橋務



    It's a comfortable atmosphere to work in. However, it is not allowed for a long time. Personally, it was good.

  • わんたく



    season of extreme heat. The inside of the store was cool and the staff's smiles made me feel at ease. Lemon squash and chocolate mint cooled down my hot body.

  • 小花Tammy



    Like their cappuccino. Smoking room is separated, but as soon as the smoking room’s door opens, whoever sits near that door can smell strong smell of cigarettes

  • Athens Malmrose

    Athens Malmrose


    The seats weren't spacious, but there were few people when I was here on a summer Friday morning. I was close to the air conditioner but not under it, and it got quite cold. All in all a great place for a quick bite. Relaxing atmosphere :)

  • Heonuk Jeong

    Heonuk Jeong


    The cafe had nice menus but the seat aren't very spacious. Also, you can smell cigarettes from the non-smoking seats, which can be a problem for some. It's an appropriate place for a quick business meeting or a quick bite, but not the place you want to stick around too long, studying or reading.

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