Cafe de Chanson i Fukuyama

JapanCafe de Chanson



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Japan, 〒721-0961 Hiroshima, Fukuyama, Myōjinchō, 2-chōme−12−6 明神スカイマンション
kontakter telefon: +81 84-924-5057
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Latitude: 34.4917653, Longitude: 133.3974106

kommentar 5

  • はごろも



    I don't like cigarette smoke, but I like this restaurant because everything I eat here is delicious. To prevent smoke, I choose a seat in the corner when it's empty.

  • わびさび



    Rather than being guided, you can sit wherever you like. I didn't know this, and when I hesitated at the entrance, the staff looked at me in shock. It's embarrassing. Apparently this is a smoking shop, and there is an ashtray on the desk. I had the steak set. It was quite filling and I was very satisfied. I don't have a good sense of taste, so I don't know the details, but it was delicious. It does contain garlic, so if you are concerned about it, you may want to avoid it. I thought I'd call it a day and head home, but I was determined to save some money and go home, so I decided to order dessert and iced tea. I think the name was chocolate mousse cake. I don't have a good sense of taste, so I don't know the details, but it was delicious.

  • たし



    This is a coffee shop for smokers. The price range for lunch was around 800 yen, and other menu items were around 1000 yen. The taste is delicious and the quantity is satisfying. The customer service was also very nice. However, as I mentioned at the beginning, all seats are designated smoking areas, so if someone was smoking, I think the smell of cigarettes would probably spread throughout the store. When I visited, there were about two people smoking, but the smell of cigarettes was noticeable as soon as I entered the store. There doesn't seem to be any separate smoking area, so if you're concerned about the smell of cigarettes, it's probably best not to go there. On the other hand, for smokers, I think this is a valuable coffee shop where you can smoke without worrying.

  • 木村享平



    Came here for breakfast two days in a row. The first day is every morning. The omelet here was fluffy, flavorful, and delicious. The bread is thickly sliced ​​(maybe 4 slices) and is satisfying. On the second day, I ordered a hot sandwich. Ham + cucumber sandwich and egg sandwich. This is really delicious too. For the first time in a while, I found a coffee shop that seemed like a hit. It is also smoker-friendly, as you can smoke at any seat, which is rare these days. I read a book for about an hour while smoking a cigarette, and it felt very comfortable. There is a parking lot for about 6 cars. I want to visit again when I'm nearby.

  • rumi nitta

    rumi nitta


    I went on a weekday around 13:00. Although it was a little past lunch time, there were many customers. The entrances to the store are on the north and south (front and back?), and the parking lot is larger on the south side. I ordered the daily lunch dish. The food was delivered within a few minutes of ordering, and I was surprised at how fast it was. The main side dishes were pork fillet cutlet with miso sauce and scallops with sesame soy sauce, and the set included rice, miso soup, salad, pickles, and hot coffee. I thought the main side dish had a slightly stronger seasoning. It was quite voluminous and filled me up. The waitresses' customer service was very pleasant, and they would immediately take down the dishes when they noticed we had finished eating, and if the water was running low, they would immediately call out to us and bring us new water. I did. Smoking was allowed inside the store. I thought most of the customers were business men. The table top was clean, but I was a little worried about the dust and small trash on the floor, but other than that it was good.

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