t2lab. i Yakage




🕗 åbningstider

2584 Yakage, Oda District, Okayama 714-1201, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 866-82-2818
internet side: www.instagram.com
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Latitude: 34.6242328, Longitude: 133.5910797

kommentar 5

  • Mr.BK1971



    It was really hot on the way home from "Elaya" so I popped in. Ordered Corona beer and melon cream soda🍈😎 The hamburger 🍔 looked really delicious, but I just had ramen at ``Ippou no Kakeya'' so I'll definitely come back next time 🫡 The store was stylish and the master seemed kind 😊 Thank you very much 🙇🏻‍♂️

  • yoshi_Travel



    Visited in June 2024. I went into the store with high expectations. This is a style where you order and pay in advance and choose your favorite seat. Most payment methods were cashless. By the time I went, lunch had finished, so I only had drinks and dessert. The dumplings were quite delicious. It felt a little fragrant, perhaps because it was baked, but it was really soft and exquisite! ! The size is bite size. I only had one mitarashi dango, but it was pretty light and I felt like I could have had as many as I wanted (lol) It was delicious.

  • T Sasa

    T Sasa


    I used it for lunch. I ordered a set meal of fried chicken with lemon pickled in honey. My wife ordered chicken nanban and got a small portion, but both were delicious. The interior is reminiscent of an old cafe, and there are seats overlooking the courtyard, so you can enjoy a different atmosphere depending on where you sit.

  • もりなが森永



    Many people go there just for the dango, but the really delicious food at this restaurant is the rice! ! ! The chicken nanban, curry doria, hamburgers, and hamburgers are all delicious, and I've brought my friends to eat there many times! I imagine there will be a lot of people lining up on Saturdays and Sundays, but it's easier to get in on weekdays! It's a type of restaurant where you order first and then pay, so it's OK to order more after you've finished eating if you want something more.

  • お宮



    I visited for lunch, and I wanted to try some dango, so the lunch menu was light. I was told that pita bread is also available in hamburger bags. I think it would have been better if the cheese had melted 🧀 Each dumpling was about 3cm in diameter, and although it was a little warm, it felt firm🍡 You can enjoy a variety of flavors, and the bean paste on top had a strong taste. Since the store is located in a tourist area, I think the atmosphere would be better if the younger female staff member had a smile on her face. For parking, we were directed to the ``Omotenashi Parking Lot'' located about 50m west of the store. Apparently it's free for up to 3 hours. It's also close to a roadside station, so I think you can park there.

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