Cafe Commeca w Hiroshima

JaponiaCafe Commeca



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Japan, 〒732-8511 Hiroshima, Minami Ward, Matsubarachō, 9−1 3F Fukuya Hiroshima station square store
kontakt telefon: +81 82-568-3313
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 34.3961754, Longitude: 132.473806

komentarze 5

  • えばらっちてん



    I thought it was expensive. If you're going to pay 1,400 yen for a cake set that includes coffee, it's better to have lunch. I was shocked that the cake wasn't big either.

  • マコパン朝はパン派



    Are there many small people who work at restaurants? (Aside) I thought she looked happy when I saw her from outside the store. I met the person who was wiping the table. I went right after lunch time started. Is the set menu pasta? In addition to the salad and drink menu set, a cake also comes with the set, but I opted for the tart alone. That's because I can't eat salad (bitter smile).For an additional 500 yen, you can add coffee or tea to the sweets alone. Since it is the season when chestnuts are delicious, I hesitated at the price of 1,300 yen, but I ordered a large Japanese chestnut with a little gold leaf on it. I took photos of the shop without permission and waited for about 5 minutes before arriving! Anyway, it's fashionable! There were only women working at the patisserie shop...I was jealous of how much fun they seemed to be working there. Anyway, since there is a lot of cream, the sweetness is just right and it is super delicious. It may be difficult to remove the astringent skin from large chestnuts, but do you want to maintain their sweetness? It went into my mouth just like that. I ate it in about three minutes. The interior of the store was simple and I liked that there were no unnecessary decorations. This means you can concentrate on your meal. The sweets seem to change depending on the season. Photos of the showcase were taken after obtaining permission. I would like to get a point card issued and go again!

  • けんだま



    It's on the 3rd floor of Fukuya. It's a calm shop. 🌸 🍰Mozart fig and raspberry cream cake The harmony of the sweet and creamy Mozart figs and the sweet and sour raspberry cream is truly delicious~❣️. 🍰Nagano Purple Shortcake The deep sweetness of Nagano Purple is complemented by the gentle sweetness of fresh cream❣️ 🍰🍰 Both cakes were delicious!

  • Kan



    There are always new limited-time tarts coming out, and I have trouble choosing from the menu. Everything is delicious, so let's go again! Drinks can be ordered as a set for 400 to 500 yen. Lunch is 2,000 yen and includes pasta, drink, salad, and a cake that costs less than 1,000 yen. It's a good deal.

  • Yuri Imamura

    Yuri Imamura


    I had a pasta set for lunch. You can choose from 4 types of pasta. I chose the prosciutto and avocado peperoncino. The thin pasta had a strong garlic flavor, and the prosciutto and avocado were well balanced. There were also lots of avocados. There are two pasta sets: A set (1,300 yen), which comes with a salad and a drink (coffee or tea), and B set (1,900 yen), which includes a choice of cakes under 1,000 yen. Also, the restaurant was not crowded and I was able to eat slowly. --------- I ordered a pasta set with cake. For the pasta, I had summer vegetable lemon carbonara, and for the cake, I had a cake with figs and grapes on top. The pasta had plenty of bacon and the sourness of the lemon. The cake was absolutely delicious! I was very satisfied with the mascarpone cream. The coffee was delicious both in quantity and taste. I would like to go there again for lunch.

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