Cafe Bimi en Fukuoka

JapónCafe Bimi



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-6-27 Akasaka, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, 810-0042, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-713-6024
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5827021, Longitude: 130.3825088

comentarios 5

  • Hyunhwa Lee

    Hyunhwa Lee


    Such a unique coffee shop experience. Each cup of coffee was made with great care.

  • Q



    Very nice coffee taste and the cake is yummy as well. Highly recommended.

  • 녕소N_SO



    I was very lucky because i found this place without any information. Actually when i saw menu. I though i came in wrong place because i have a sweet tooth. All most of menu is drip coffee that i didn’t expect it. Even my mother also she don’t like bitter coffee. So the server recommend mild roasting coffee for mother and i ordered kind of ice cafe latte. It took some time and then i realized the coffee drip is not same like other coffee shop. Also i feel sorry when they start ice carving for ice coffee. After drink this coffee i find out i also like non sweet coffee. It was great experience. Definitely, i will visit again.

  • Ted Zhang

    Ted Zhang


    After a 5-cup coffee journey in one day, we finally get here and had the most enjoyable coffee time in my whole trip time in Japan. The hand pour coffee made by the old lady is so smooth and comfortable. All we want to say is respect and wish the shop stay for a life long time.

  • MeT



    Peaceful quiet cup of well brewed java! Didn't expect to find this coffee haven n it was a surprisingly delightful discovery! Service was excellent, staff were polite n helpful! There was a nice selection of cakes which complimented the coffee. Price was fair considering the ambience n quality. After a stroll at the Temple/Shrine at Roppommatsu, it was a perfect interlude to enjoy some quiet time over coffee n confectionary! Highly recommended as watering hole to get your caffeine fix before more sightseeing. Wide selection of brews available n staff were well informed enough to recommend certain beverages. Atmosphere was restful, contemplative n niche, prices were higher but to be expected judging from the decor n specialities available. Java connoisseurs should definitely give this cafe a stopover 👌

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