Chun Sui Tang (Tenjin underground mall branch) en Fukuoka

JapónChun Sui Tang (Tenjin underground mall branch)



🕗 horarios

West 6th Block, 2-chōme-1-1−地下1号 122 Tenjin, Chuo Ward, Fukuoka, 810-0001, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-753-7272
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5895916, Longitude: 130.399681

comentarios 5

  • F Paul

    F Paul


    A little pricey Chinese cafe/dessert place. We tried the sweet dumplings in ginger soup (the white dumplings texture is a little weird, like it hasn't been cooked properly. The pink and green ones are ok) and the cold tofu dessert with peanuts and tapioca bubbles (average). You need to order via the QR codes which might be tricky for some people.

  • Christopher Yeo

    Christopher Yeo


    The beef noodle here is the worst Taiwanese beef noodle I have ever eaten in my life. The rest of the food are average only.

  • Peter Kam Fai Cheung

    Peter Kam Fai Cheung


    On Nov 27, 2019, my elder daughter chose to come here for dinner. I went to its first store in Taiwan for its jelly milk tea in 2015. The Taiwanese noodles and tea here look and taste good (what you see at Yen2288)

  • Austina Nee Saito

    Austina Nee Saito


    Good size for the price. The pearls are a little too soft and slightly smaller, but that's just my personal preference. Try eating in if you can, bc the line for take out can sometimes be longer...

  • Love Ukulele

    Love Ukulele


    Taiwanese Bubble tea - originate restaurant from Taichung High quality, yummy, very popular in Taiwan Highly recommend you try it

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