
🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒104-0061 Tokyo, Chuo City, Ginza, 5-chōme−7−10, Nakamura Sekizenkai Building, 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3574-7202
internet side: www.bunmeido.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6706369, Longitude: 139.7641362

kommentar 5

  • Ali



    Stopped for a quick latte and desert. The Latte was hot as I requested and had a cool design. The desert was fresh but the cheese cake was not special. The service was quick.

  • Aiyoh MJ

    Aiyoh MJ


    Bunmeido Cafe Wanted to rest my feet after walking up and down the shopping belt in Ginza when we came across this cafe. You got to order a drink per customer if you want to dine in. and even so, there was a crowd and a queue waiting to be seated. As you can imagine, retail space is money in Ginza and to be expected seats are close to one another and you can eveshdrop each others conversations while you have your tea. Absolutely loved the high ceiling and the glass wall on one side opened up the space further. As the cafe was along the street, take the table only if you enjoy people watching or enjoy being watched by all the passerbys that are shopping. I also found it really lovely that the back of the cafe was a floor to ceiling high stained glass sort of art work. There is a plaque that probably explains what it is about but it is in Japanese. So .. I didnt understand, but i took a pic for those interested. When we settled in, we got the Japanese Sweets Box set and the Camomile mix tea. All the sweets were great. Very light and delicate, and most of all, not tooth achingly sweet.

  • TJ Dillashaw

    TJ Dillashaw


    Excellent service! The server was really kind and genuine. I appreciate the English support. I had a question for the cafe, where do you get your green tea? It’s so delicious!

  • Shipra Agarwal

    Shipra Agarwal


    We had an ice-cold cafe lattè. It was awesome in taste. The road view is also amazing from the cafe. Nice place to hang out. Staff is very polite.

  • kawashima Carlos

    kawashima Carlos


    Coffee in an adult cafe quietly‼️ This cafe, located off Ginza, may be most of the customers returning to Kabuki-za. There are items to fill your stomach from meals to desserts. It can be a satisfying moment like any of the traditional nurseries.

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