Boulanger Vague Kawagoe Branch in Kawagoe

JapanBoulanger Vague Kawagoe Branch



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒350-1106 Saitama, Kawagoe, Komuro, 385−1 生鮮市場TOP川越店内
kontakte telefon: +81 49-293-3300
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.9141627, Longitude: 139.4637093

kommentare 5

  • 美鈴



    The first floor is a supermarket with Kakugami, and the selection is good and cheap! ️ The second floor contains a mobile shop and a cheap clothing store. There is a large parking lot, and there are security guards on Saturdays and Sundays to guide you.

  • R.A中村



    There are many types and the prices are low. It has a freshly baked atmosphere that makes you stop by.

  • macaron umiushi

    macaron umiushi


    I received ``Cranberry Fromage'' and ``Chestnut Bean Paste and Matcha Danish.'' A 100 yen bread shop from Ageo. The price has increased to about 120 yen, but it's still cheap! It's fun and has a lot of variety. There are quite a variety of drinks such as coffee and tea, and you can eat in. Inside the fresh market TOP (Mummy Mart) in the QLuRi Kawagoe store complex. Parking is free.

  • A T

    A T


    Most of the breads are 100 yen and delicious (^^) The size of each piece is a little small, but there is a wide variety so you can enjoy a variety of flavors 🤗 The sandwiches were not 100 yen, but the fruit sandwiches were in the low 300 yen range, and the ham cutlet sandwiches and croissant sandwiches were also very cheap, in the mid to high 100 yen range! ! It was Halloween time when I stopped by and there were sweet buns in the shape of jack-o-lanterns and naan in the shape of ghosts? I think this is a bakery that can also accommodate small children.

  • マイケルマシュー



    This is a bakery where you can enjoy delicious bread at reasonable prices. Most breads are 100 yen. There is a wide variety of curry bread, naan, fried bread, and Danish pastries, all of which are delicious. There is also a spacious eat-in space next to the store, so you can enjoy freshly baked bread on the spot.

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