Bon Delice en Miyazaki

JapónBon Delice



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4-chōme-1-16 Aoshima, Miyazaki, 889-2162, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 985-65-1515
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 31.7978732, Longitude: 131.4685775

comentarios 5

  • Sona



    It is a convenient location for travelers staying in Aoshima, but I don't think it is a very competitive place. There are not many types of industrial products such as snacks and alcohol. However, the biggest drawback is that the prices of fresh food are higher than those at large supermarkets in the city, and above all, there are not many fresh food options for travelers who cook at their lodgings. One thing I'm curious about is that supermarkets in Japan usually have big sales on fresh food after 6 p.m., but this place didn't have a sale even after 8 p.m. during the two times I visited. I was very curious how the items were handled the next day. When buying light items such as water, I visited Lawson, which was closer to my accommodation, and when buying large amounts of food, I visited another large supermarket 15 minutes away. So, although I bought quite a few groceries during my 8-day trip, I only stopped twice to buy simple items when visiting the hot springs across the street. Since there are no other supermarkets in Aoshima, it seems to be able to maintain its competitiveness. The bakery inside the store was good. It is the only alternative if you don't have a car and stay in Aoshima.

  • Sandy Juhasz

    Sandy Juhasz


    Supermarket with huge selection of alcohol beverages. The ceiling is disgusting.

  • Kean Tan

    Kean Tan


    Seems like a high end supermarket in the area. They do stock Miyazaki local products, so you can come here to buy them. Trolley is rusty

  • Sophie Solioz

    Sophie Solioz


    A bit expensive and not as many options as other supermarkets un Japan, but it's the only store in Aoshima. They had a lot of foreign products on the other hand.

  • Cem Zobu

    Cem Zobu


    This supermarket had lots of nice things, and great imported products I hadn't seen since being home in London. They'd run out of salmon sashimi so cut some more for us. There were also some decent looking baked goods, although we noticed that one thing that looked like a chocolate croissant in closer inspection had a frankfurter sticking out of it. Jokes. They only lost a star because they didn't take credit cards (not sure if that's always the case but come prepared).

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