コープみやざき 赤江店 en Miyazaki

Japónコープみやざき 赤江店



🕗 horarios

986-1 Tsunehisa, Miyazaki, 880-0916, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 985-50-0011
sitio web: www.miyazaki.coop
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 31.8794633, Longitude: 131.4269725

comentarios 5

  • an dy

    an dy


    It's a shame that meat is the norm. Are vegetables good? Fruits are normal. There are side dishes and bento boxes, but they are average. There is no sign of local production for local consumption. Cash registers are cash only. However, if you charge your investment, you can pay with a special card. The bread corner has also been renewed and looks nice. The card can be used there as well. The parking lot is large. Get 10% off your total on your birthday. This is important.

  • みっけみっけ



    It reopened on October 29th. I went there on this day because it was a fun market day, and the vegetables and fruits were fresh and various things were at great bargains. A glass wall was built in the bread corner. On this day, we called the Veggie Check and asked them to measure their vegetable intake. On your birthday, you can shop at a 10% discount.

  • 先生ヒロシ



    In front of the protective door. Even when I tried to talk to the store staff, it seemed like they were more interested in the display in front of them than the customers.

  • Atiar Talukdar

    Atiar Talukdar



  • Atiar Talukdar

    Atiar Talukdar


    Expensive then others

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