
🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒970-0112 Fukushima, Iwaki, Tairaizumizaki, Sunada−48−1
contactos teléfono: +81 246-88-8233
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.0764303, Longitude: 140.9521469

comentarios 5

  • Masao Masao

    Masao Masao


    A cafe suddenly appears in a residential area. Is there a company operating on the premises? is adjacent. The interior of the store is stylish and bright. The atmosphere is relaxing. There is also terrace seating. However, the location cannot be said to be good as you can see the sea and the mountains... It's not worth traveling from far away. The pudding is a hard type.

  • Cream cake

    Cream cake


    The signboard in the residential area is so small that you wonder if the store has been moved to another company! After ordering, you wait at your favorite seat!! ️ I don't like seasonal items, so I hesitated before ordering! There's plenty of bacon inside the quiche. Bamboo shoots ✨ Definitely delicious! It was delicious♪

  • John Yang

    John Yang


    My favorite coffee place in town. Very cozy and relaxing ambiance.

  • Kiyomi Mozley

    Kiyomi Mozley


    Great quality coffee - roasted in store. Very cozy atmosphere with great natural lighting!

  • Rio



    The nearest sophisticated cafe to my house opened a few years ago, located in a suburb of Iwaki city, a quiet residential area. They serve some kinds of coffee and sweets. You can also do your work with your PC by using one of electrical outlets(only on the table in front of the window near the entrance) and a secure free Wi-Fi spot. It seems like they sometimes do some interesting events.

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