Blue Leaf Cafe in Sendai

JapanBlue Leaf Cafe



🕗 öffnungszeiten

3-chōme-8-8 Ichibanchō, Aoba Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 980-0811, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 22-216-3235
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.2610471, Longitude: 140.8719269

kommentare 5

  • A A

    A A


    I like the serene atmosphere here, even when it’s in crowded time, I still can feel the calmness. I ordered smoked salmon plate for ¥980 and chai tea for ¥550. I came in starved and really enjoyed the meal for dinner. Surely will come back again next time. For the staffs: thank you for your friendliness and smiles.

  • Yovita Ardiyani

    Yovita Ardiyani


    Good place to study. They had wide space, wifi and power outlet in several places. They had many menus, like cake, panini and matcha latte. For my preferences, i'm not into panini too much. The price is higher than the other cafe. But for the drinks, the cleanliness and the space, it's quite good tho.

  • Andhika Wijaya

    Andhika Wijaya


    Yummy sandwich and yummy parfait to enjoy. It took a while for the parfait to come out but it was really delicious and refreshing. 😻

  • Nishant Annu

    Nishant Annu


    A large, sprawling café in Ichibancho SunMall with great coffee and sandwiches. The shrimp and avocado sandwich is excellent. There are several seating areas with plenty of seats, so you probably won't struggle to find a place to sit down like you might at a Starbucks. Although not always conspicuously places, there are outlets near several of the seating areas, so I think this café would be a great place to chill and get some work done.

  • Gina Hara

    Gina Hara


    I had their fall special: pumpkin parfait. And it was unbelievably yummy. I highly recommend it. Also, just like most things in japan, lactose free The cafe is together with a very beautiful design store.

nächste Cafe

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