Bizen-Fukuoka Ichimonji Udon w Setouchi

JaponiaBizen-Fukuoka Ichimonji Udon



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1588-1 Osafunechō Fukuoka, Setouchi, Okayama 701-4265, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 869-26-2978
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7037107, Longitude: 134.0874472

komentarze 5

  • けんようこ



    As rumored, the udon is extremely delicious! The udon made from Shirasagi wheat, which is grown in-house and ground in a stone mill, has a color and texture that I have never had before, and is quite delicious. The soup stock was made with local fish and had an elegant taste, and when I added the spices made by spice mixer Noriko Hinuma, it was delicious! I took my hat off to the deliciousness and concept that made it no wonder it was featured in the Michelin Guide. I'll come back later!

  • ma to

    ma to


    Visited for lunch. The self-serve udon was a bit smelly, but the zaru udon I ordered had a slightly sweet flavor and was delicious. ▼Good points ・You can boil your own udon noodles. ・The shirasagi in the zaru udon I ordered is delicious. ▼Bad points ・Please note that the entrance is a little difficult to find. ・Access is quite difficult. I don't think you can come without a car. ・The self-serve udon was a bit smelly. Does it feel like rubber?

  • k hosoda

    k hosoda


    I received 1 piece of self-service udon, 1 average and 1 piece of inari. You choose a bowl from the line, go to the register, boil it yourself, and pour the soup stock. The only free topping was green onions. The noodles are not chewy and the soup stock is slimy. Personally, I can't say I recommend it.

  • Lavigne Marc

    Lavigne Marc


    Best udon restaurant around. Simple, handmade, good, and cheap. Besides, team is very kind :)

  • Ryan Wilson (雷庵)

    Ryan Wilson (雷庵)


    Only went here once and got sick from the udon. The tempura shrimp were big but when I bit into them the shrimp was one third the size and the rest was deep fried batter. It ruined my love for udon. I hope I am the only one to have this experience.

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