Bistro Coloris en Shinjuku City

JapónBistro Coloris


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Japan, 〒160-0023 Tokyo, Shinjuku City, Nishishinjuku, 7-chōme−16−1 第3歯朶ビル
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5389-1441
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Latitude: 35.695854, Longitude: 139.697449

comentarios 5

  • K K

    K K


    It was a small restaurant that was filled with about 5 groups. It was comfortable. All the dishes were elaborate, visually pleasing and delicious. I forgot to take a photo of the dessert, but it was delicious and enjoyable until the end!

  • evar



    This continued in June and July. The bread is freshly baked, the salad is colorful and you can enjoy the taste of vegetables, and the soup is piping hot to warm up your stomach before the main dish. Both fish and meat dishes are available for lunch. The menu seems to change depending on the ingredients of the day. Last but not least is dessert. In addition to ice cream and sorbet, this is also a fruit platter, and it's wonderful that they offer so many ingredients in a course meal.

  • Hina_



    I made a reservation and visited ^ ^ It's a main course of fish and meat, salad, bread, soup, 2 drinks (alcoholic or soft drinks), dessert, and coffee or tea. It was a good value for money, and the staff's service and customer service were good and I felt comfortable. We had a fun lunch that felt like home. The food was also delicious.

  • ゆっこ



    I used it for lunch after a long time with a friend I couldn't meet due to the coronavirus pandemic. I thought it was a pretty good value for money, as it was a full course with two main dishes, meat and fish, and cost less than 3,000 yen. The store was quiet and had a calm atmosphere, so I was able to have a leisurely conversation.

  • シェリー



    I came to the store after making a reservation for the 3,900 yen lunch course. The course consisted of an appetizer, pumpkin soup, fish dish, meat dish, and dessert. Includes 2 drinks (wine or soft drink) and coffee or tea after the meal. The food was French-style, beautifully presented, and all tasted delicious. The hospitality at the restaurant other than the food was also good. When the two of us came to the store and were chatting, the staff member asked if we would like to take a commemorative photo and placed flowers on the table so that it would look nice. It's a very small restaurant, but I was very satisfied because I was able to have a relaxing meal.

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