BIODYNAMIE Kichijoji Store in Musashino

JapanBIODYNAMIE Kichijoji Store



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒180-0004 Tokyo, Musashino, Kichijōji Honchō, 1-chōme−9−2 PALLAZO1F
kontakte telefon: +81 422-27-6652
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.7040279, Longitude: 139.5796338

kommentare 5

  • Aiko G

    Aiko G


    I came here because the atmosphere looked nice, but was disappointed. I ordered 3 dishes and was very surprised at the amount of the food served 😅 Especially the caprese.. I think this place is okay for a light snack, but not if you’re hungry (which I was) 🥹 I waited a long time for such little food and it was not worth it




    I visited him about 4-5 times. It was chewy pasta! Whatever I ordered was delicious. No complaints! The interior of the store was modern and stylish, the customers were from a wide range of age groups, and the staff were very responsive. Sorry to bother you again.

  • masumi w

    masumi w


    1 minute walk from Kichijoji Station This is a popular restaurant famous for its all-you-can-eat pasta with kettle-fried whitebait! However, I decided to order a regular pasta lunch set. Two people on a Sunday late lunch time Visit without reservation. It was 80% full, but I felt like I got in at the right time. Apparently they have reservations, so if you want to sit at the counter, you can be seated right away. It may be rare in Kichijoji that lunch sets are offered at a low price even though it's Sunday. At a restaurant in Kichijoji Even if there is a lunch set on weekdays. Not available on Saturdays and Sundays Or it's often a little more expensive due to holiday prices. I'm happy to offer it at this price. The atmosphere of the staff is also very good. This is a wonderful shop that is friendly to both first-time customers and regulars. The chewy, handmade pasta is delicious. I would like to visit during dinner time next time. Come to think of it, I happened to come in during lunch time without a reservation, so if you want to be sure to visit, you'll need to make a reservation.

  • Yuko Koda

    Yuko Koda


    We ordered a course meal and all-you-can-drink for 5,000 yen. I think it's perfect for adults because the amount of food was large.

  • Veronica Puspita

    Veronica Puspita


    Love the store interior. The pasta is amazingly mochi2 which i like the best. Best taste goes to caramelized liver and the arabiata pasta. Unfortunately the menu doesn’t give real image, so here i gave u some descriptions on what i eat.

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