Bikkuri Donkey, Shiroishi Chūō i Sapporo

JapanBikkuri Donkey, Shiroishi Chūō



🕗 åbningstider

6-chōme-10-1 Chūō 2 Jō, Shiroishi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 003-0012, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-860-8850
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0536817, Longitude: 141.4016829

kommentar 5

  • 。


    I'm a high school student, so I understand that I have to leave at 10pm, but it took 30 minutes to be served even though the restaurant wasn't crowded, and the food came at 9:50pm and I was told to leave at 10pm and they called the police. . Even though I told them that I only had 10 minutes to eat, they didn't acknowledge that the food was served at 9:50 pm and treated me badly. A clerk who looks like a store manager.

  • スミス



    There wasn't enough mayonnaise on the salad on the plate than usual. All four of us, huh? Are you running out less than usual? The more I feel Aren't portion sizes set at every store? ? Be careful because the taste will change.

  • masanori hayashi

    masanori hayashi


    Ordering was done using a touch panel, and payment was made using a machine. I thought it was very good.

  • akira Saga

    akira Saga


    The parking lot is downstairs and it's hard to find the entrance in winter! Regular 150g double salad! After all, regular is the most stable and delicious!

  • hiro



    It was lunchtime, but we were seated without waiting. It was hearty and satisfying. The customer service was also good.

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