Abusanto en Toyota




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒471-0868 Aichi, Toyota, Kandachō, 2-chōme−4−3
contactos teléfono: +81 565-35-0212
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0803224, Longitude: 137.1550728

comentarios 5

  • かず



    I ordered pizza toast, egg sandwich, and pancakes. The pizza toast was delicious with pizza ingredients on top of thick bread. The egg sandwich has a firm texture of hard bread and is voluminous, and the mozzarella cheese inside the egg roll makes it stretchy. The pancakes had a hard surface and were not fluffy. There are two large pieces on top of each other, so it's best to share between 2 to 4 people. I'm glad I didn't have to make one for each person. Overall I felt the price was a little high.

  • らーくん



    It was a Saturday afternoon so it was crowded, but I was glad that I was able to receive a call buzzer like you would find at a food court and wait in my car. The apple pizza was exquisite. And it's a great deal for the price. Also, the pancakes were filling and delicious.

  • afreet77



    Strong Went there for quick black coffee and was very delicious roast, the workers are helpful and welcoming. Nice place would definitely visit again.

  • エツ



    A cafe hidden in the back of a parking lot shared with a convenience store. Relaxed atmosphere with a retro feel. The bread is hard and chewy. It's satisfying to eat. We also sell them. Next time I want to go eat pancakes!

  • Burak Yağcı

    Burak Yağcı


    Breads are delicious

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