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18 Nihonbashikabutocho, Chūō, Tokyo 103-0026, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3660-5515
sitio web:
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Latitude: 35.6791088, Longitude: 139.7758183

comentarios 5

  • Danny Juarez

    Danny Juarez


    Excellent service from the staff, great time in here and is the first hotel were the wifi actually works as expected

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    Anton Wachtel


    The best business hotel I stayed in Tokyo. No breakfast is good for me, but it can be a dealbreaker for some. Ventilation is great, the road near hotel didn’t bother me at all, unlimited amounts of free coffee and tea.

  • Janice Chan

    Janice Chan


    We stayed here for 3 nights and were quite impressed with their room and amenities. We stayed on the 4th floor and the window faced the freeway entrance. I was worried it might be loud but you can not hear any traffic noise from below which was great. The room was of decent size and I was able to open our large suitecase completely. The amenities in the bathroom includes razors, toothbrushs, tooth pastes and combs. You can find Q-tips and shower towels in the lobby by the coffee machine. Complementary coffee/water is available for hotel guests. The one negative about the room is that I find the noise from the bathroom really loud. When my husband takes a shower, I can hear loud noises as water travel through the pipes. It's not a big deal unless you stay with someone that showers in the middle of the night.

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    Christopher Lim


    Everything is good except for a blackout at the bathroom on my last night stay. I informed the staff in the afternoon but nothing had been done.

  • Jon de leon

    Jon de leon


    Very nice clean place. All functional and very comfortable bed. The room is just small.

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