Beck's Coffee Shop w Saitama

JaponiaBeck's Coffee Shop



🕗 godziny otwarcia

4-chōme-57-3 Kishikichō, Omiya Ward, Saitama, 330-0843, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 80-3723-2396
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.8939748, Longitude: 139.6337464

komentarze 5

  • 秀統



    I have been indebted to you since my student days 🙇‍♂ Smoking is permitted within the station premises. Thank you m(_ _)m It's nice to be able to use coupon tickets, but some places have recently started paying automatically, so how do I use them? 🤔

  • 前宗孝



    [Revisit] 2024/5 revisit It has been renovated and self-checkout has been introduced. Morning had a lot of variety and I was satisfied.

  • Jean Pierre

    Jean Pierre


    Found ☕️ inside Saitama-Shintoshin Station. When you enter the store, you order on the touch panel in front of the cash register. I like that you can change your favorite drink with ➕. I chose a cafe latte. This is a reasonably priced morning set at 540 yen (the second one is 580 yen). The shop is bright and the staff are very kind 👍⭐️⭐️⭐️

  • あき



    Added on 2024/03/25 We opened on March 22nd! It was a self-checkout. Has the overall tone changed to a lighter one? It's beautiful, but the space between the seats feels a little narrow. 2024/02/15 I often stop by on my way home from work. (I often go to BECK'S at other stations) I often see people working while having a cup of coffee with their computers open, but as a businessman, I find it strange that their work conversations spill over into the store, and to be honest, it's annoying to be in a quiet store. Nowadays, there are working spaces inside the station, so I think you should do it there. When I went there in February 2024, it was under renovation. I’m looking forward to the new opening 😊

  • Akemi (ミニ苺パフェ)

    Akemi (ミニ苺パフェ)


    Located inside Saitama-Shintoshin Station. Inside the ticket gate, at the Keihin Tohoku Line platform. The inside of the store is long and wide. What I ordered was Butter toast, mini salad, granola yogurt set 570 yen drinks are blended It was delicious from the morning. Thank you for the meal.

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