Beach Story i Saitama

JapanBeach Story



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2-chōme-108 Daimonchō, Omiya Ward, Saitama, 330-0846, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 48-782-6810
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.9065228, Longitude: 139.6275956

kommentar 5

  • Hayley C

    Hayley C


    We got the beach burger with nuggets and bacon and it was delicious 🤤⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ also great music, me and my partner were singing along.

  • Sean Corrigall

    Sean Corrigall


    I didn't expect much from a back alley Japanese burger place but I was pleasantly surprised. The burger flavor was Amazing. I wish we had something this good in my neighborhood in Seattle! There was a short line (10 min) but it was worth the wait.

  • Robbie Keith

    Robbie Keith


    The burger was fine, but the chips were awful. I couldn't even stick half of them with my fork they were so old and stale. It was also really slow. This place is definitely not worth the price. Go to Kua'Aina in Shintoshin instead.

  • Wolf Mure

    Wolf Mure


    Located on a back ally a short walk from Omiya station, this smallish restaurant has quality food and a cozy atmosphere. I had a very good avocado and bacon burger packed with beef flavor. Accompanied by salty fries it paired perfectly with my Corona and lime beer. Only 3 tables seating four each along with six stools at the counter. Plenty of staff on hand to take care of your needs. For a beach themed burger joint in the city it’s perfect. I really enjoyed the Bob Marley play list as well.

  • Dara Langley

    Dara Langley


    Really tasty patty, nice toasted bun. Great fries & onion rings. Cheeseburger is great and wife really liked the Beach Burger.

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