バリュー 平山店 i Nagasaki

Japanバリュー 平山店



🕗 åbningstider

573-1 Hirayamamachi, Nagasaki, 850-0995, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 95-879-5688
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 32.6622083, Longitude: 129.8349641

kommentar 5

  • 玲音 遍在groupsounds

    玲音 遍在groupsounds


    People who say bad things about Value don't understand anything.This store is loved by the locals. Sashimi is delicious

  • パティ(全国グルメ記)



    Fresh fish is cheap and rare fish may be sold🐟? ? However, I think it's a good thing that the giant grouper was sold as a rascal.

  • かつや



    It's a convenient supermarket, so if you want to do some shopping in a hurry, this is better than Elena.

  • ハッピーターン



    The fish is beautiful and cheap. I think vegetables, meat, daily items, etc. are expensive. I'm thankful that bag noodles and curry powder are extremely cheap. Sometimes I see the staff at a fish shop being yelled at by elderly men, perhaps veterans. I thought it would be nice to do it somewhere where the audience wasn't looking. It was difficult to get the product, so... I think most of the staff are pretty lenient, but I've never experienced bad customer service. It's neither good nor bad. However, I thought that I might not be able to work at Value. (I don't want to get angry in front of the customer...)

  • 風鳥月花



    There are many stores in the area where the staff have bad customer service. Especially the clerk, an old woman named Ushiroda, an older male clerk, and a middle-aged man wearing glasses...as I had heard, they had an arrogant attitude. They don't even say the basic ❲Welcome❳ or ❲Thank you❳. The number of products is small, and the prices are not cheap. This store doesn't have the products I want.

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