Marukyo Higashinagasakiten i Nagasaki

JapanMarukyo Higashinagasakiten



🕗 åbningstider

67-1 Tanakamachi, Nagasaki, 851-0134, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 95-837-0111
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.7609529, Longitude: 129.9468575

kommentar 5

  • 華恋麻姫



    It's narrow. When I was parked, my car was hit and I ran away. It was an expensive purchase. It's cheap. The items were reasonably sized.

  • 前原圭一



    As mentioned in other people's comments, the quality of the staff is the worst! When the aisles were blocked by pallet carts and customers couldn't pass, the ladies were talking, but instead of business-like conversations like ``Which shelf should I put the items on?'' were the moms saying things like ``My child is...'' It's the kind of thing you would do with your friends at a restaurant or the food court of a shopping mall! I think it's important to have a fun work environment, but isn't the above-mentioned work attitude no different? Are compliments and scoldings given here being fed back to the staff?

  • Nikhil Kumar

    Nikhil Kumar


    Budget supermarket. They only take cash though.

  • Y.ゆう



    Due to the location, it was difficult to get the car out of the parking lot. There were some items that you wouldn't find in a regular supermarket, so I thought they were cheap.

  • Md Kaiyum

    Md Kaiyum


    It is good place for buying grocery

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