Bank of Japan, Osaka Branch en Osaka

JapónBank of Japan, Osaka Branch



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2-chōme-1-45 Nakanoshima, Kita Ward, Osaka, 530-0005, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6206-7747
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.693912, Longitude: 135.4997105

comentarios 5

  • keiko hoihoi

    keiko hoihoi


    The Bank of Japan is an imposing building that can be seen on the right hand side after crossing the Dojima River as you head south down Midosuji from Osaka Station. To the east is an area called Nakanoshima (the middle island of the Tosabori River and Dojima River), where stately buildings such as the city hall, library, and central public hall are lined up. The ginkgo leaves in front of the Bank of Japan were falling so violently that I stopped to take a photo. Built in 1903 after the Belgian National Bank, this beautiful, stately stone Western-style building is surprisingly photogenic. In the 1970s, there was a risk of demolition due to its deterioration, but due to strong requests from citizens, it was renovated to preserve as much of its appearance as possible, preserving its current beautiful appearance. If you make a reservation on the Bank of Japan Osaka Branch's dedicated website, you can tour some of the buildings inside.

  • てつです。(てつです。)



    Of course, I've never been inside. Solid architecture. Landmark of Nakanoshima, Osaka. If you live nearby, it seems like a good place to take a walk. In autumn, the ginkgo leaves are beautiful. The photo is a view from the Hanshin Expressway. It faces Midosuji. In front is Osaka City Hall.

  • アニャー



    Bank of Japan Osaka Branch. National tangible cultural property. It is the center of the Bank of Japan in Kansai and Western Japan. Shortly after the Bank of Japan was established in 1882, the Osaka branch opened. This building was designed by Kingo Tatsuno, who also designed the Bank of Japan's head office and the Tokyo Station Marunouchi station building, and was completed in 1903, modeled after the Belgian National Bank building. The current Osaka branch operates out of a new building completed in 1982. It is also responsible for backing up the main office in Tokyo in the event that it is unable to function due to a disaster or other reason. The building is very similar to the main store in Nihonbashi, Tokyo, which I visited previously. The Bank of Japan is a central bank. It is a majestic building that befits this. However, it's a little difficult to take photos.

  • Mark Wood

    Mark Wood


    I came here to exchange some damaged notes. The staff were very friendly and helpful and had English guidebooks to assist me along the process. Amazing Japan!

  • KEIJI OKADA (ぴょん吉)

    KEIJI OKADA (ぴょん吉)


    A stately building located across Midosuji from Osaka City Hall. If you contact us in advance and make a reservation, you can visit! It is one of the buildings that represent Osaka. I made a reservation for a tour and visited on a weekday. Unfortunately, cameras and smartphones are not allowed, so I don't have any pictures, but it's very valuable because you can see first-hand the history and role of the Bank of Japan, the working environment of the bank, and the luxurious guest room of the historic old government building. Yo! Moreover, the tour is free and lasts about an hour and a half. We recommend that you visit it at least once in your life.

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