Amagasaki Shinkin Bank Umeda Branch en Osaka

JapónAmagasaki Shinkin Bank Umeda Branch



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒530-0002 Osaka, Kita Ward, Sonezakishinchi, 1-chōme−1−38 尼信ビル
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6341-4557
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6967464, Longitude: 135.5001708

comentarios 5

  • 齋藤有理



    It was small compared to other stores in the store. The station-san was chatting away.

  • sana



    Bank branches in the area have been undergoing mergers and relocations one after another, and even though the ATM is located underground, you cannot exchange money. . Therefore, I think more people will use this Shinkin Bank. There is no exchange card, and you insert coins according to the number of exchanges each time. Since it only takes coins, it is better to have a summary ready. Exchange 1,000 yen bills into 100 yen coins at the counter to pay the exchange fee! There was an elderly woman who asked, but I thought I would research it first and bring it with me so as not to bother the counter.

  • kico channel

    kico channel


    It's so unfriendly that you wouldn't expect it to be a financial institution. The local branch in my neighborhood has great service, but I'm disappointed when I go to this branch.

  • 西本リエ子



    I visit once a month~🐹 The building itself is not new, so the lighting is a little dark~😰 The ATM machine panels are easy to see, so everything goes smoothly🎵

  • 我妻善逸



    The exchange machines are very crowded in the afternoon. Many people do not follow manners

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