Bank of Fukuoka Miyata i Miyawaka

JapanBank of Fukuoka Miyata



🕗 åbningstider

59-15 Miyata, Miyawaka, Fukuoka 823-0011, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 949-32-0520
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.723434, Longitude: 130.665977

kommentar 5

  • シェラ



    When I first used the bank 5 or 6 years ago, I gave it a 5-star review because I felt it was a very friendly place, but when I came back for the first time in a while, I couldn't communicate with them, and on the way there, the staff member got angry and said, ``Please wait a minute!'' ” he said in a very strong tone, and then threw the pen he was holding into the pen holder. I'm not going to tell customers to do something wrong, but I think it's okay to act like that just because your opinion doesn't get through and the other side doesn't agree with it. That's also a person with a job. I won't come here again.

  • Camellia Rainbow-Fox

    Camellia Rainbow-Fox


    Counter sales Monday - Friday 09:00-11:30/12:30-15:00 Customer reception was very polite and responsive. It was mainly carried out using tablet devices. (Regardless of whether it's because I created a new account or passbook) However, the parking lot is always full except at the very back, so you have to back up. It's a little dangerous because if you enter head first, you'll have to back up onto the road when you exit.

  • 猫‘sカンパニー



    Many people hang out at ATMs. The parking lot is sometimes empty, but often full. Even if it's empty, it's hard to park because it's narrow.

  • 早川志津香



    The parking lot is small, but the staff are kind and polite.

  • y y

    y y


    The parking lot is small.

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