Bank of Fukuoka Iizuka Honmachi i Iizuka

JapanBank of Fukuoka Iizuka Honmachi



🕗 åbningstider

8-24 Honmachi, Iizuka, Fukuoka 820-0042, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 948-22-2900
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.638903, Longitude: 130.685181

kommentar 5

  • 佐藤真美



    Since there are few customers, the process will be completed early.

  • si i

    si i


    Most procedures are by reservation only. Please be careful as you will be turned away if there is no vacancy.

  • らっとるねずみ



    I had someone call me at home several times, but I couldn't answer the phone because I was away from home for work. Normally that would be the end of it, but a letter later? When I received it, it was very impressive. Parking is also free. I didn't know about it until now and parked in a paid parking lot. I went there on the first day of the Obon holiday and couldn't sign a contract because I didn't have ID, so I went there on the last day of the Obon holiday, and I was surprised that the person in charge remembered my face. I think I would be able to remember her face if I saw her face a few times, but I only saw her once. My impression was very good.

  • Rust juice

    Rust juice


    The side looked better than the front.

  • 大阪モノレール



    Combined with the black mailbox outside, it has a retro feel.

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