Bakuroichidai Hida Beef Nagoya WEST in Nagoya

JapanBakuroichidai Hida Beef Nagoya WEST



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Japan, 〒451-0046 Aichi, Nagoya, Nishi Ward, Ushijimachō, 6−24 アクロスキューブ名古屋 2F
kontakte telefon: +81 52-581-4129
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.174009, Longitude: 136.881803

kommentare 5

  • A. M. Just

    A. M. Just


    Very good Sukiyaki, good meat and good flavor, quite expensive though.

  • * Woo Bai

    * Woo Bai


    They have two Bakuroichidai Hida Beef in same floor same building. One is BBQ and other one is shabu shabu and sukiyaki. We tried the later one and it is really good. Need advance booking otherwise they might not have vacancy for walk in customer. Hida Beef is really soft and juicy.

  • Kiko Z

    Kiko Z


    We were excited to return to this restaurant after enjoying the excellent beef during our first visit. However, our second experience was overshadowed by the poor service. One elder waitress refused to welcome us, which we understood might have been due to staff shortages. So, we quietly waited in line at the entrance. When she finally returned, we stood up politely to provide our reservation information, but she rudely commanded us to 'sit down' in English for no reason. She repeatedly ignored us, kept ordering us to sit down, and refused to explain why. Her rude attitude was so noticeable that other local customers in line were visibly taken aback. Given that she can communicate with us in English, I would expect her to at least say one word ‘please.’ Even after we were seated, her behavior remained abrasive. She slammed the door quickly behind us, even catching the hem of my coat in the process. When our food was finally served, our plates were almost slammed onto the table with a loud noise. For foreign visitors, this was really a disappointing and unpleasant experience.

  • Auto Save

    Auto Save


    There are two restaurants under the same name right next to each other. We made the silly mistake of booking the wrong one as there was a specific dish we wanted to try that they only sell in the other place and not in the one we booked for. The waitress didn't even hesitate to go next door and see if it was ok to bring us the exclusive dish from the other restaurant. One of the best waiting experiences and one of the best meals I've ever had in my life. Great atmosphere too as we were sat in our own little booth.

  • Daz Wilkin

    Daz Wilkin


    Quintessential Japanese barbecue experience. We were fortunate to have a Japanese speaking friend join us but the menus are in English too. Wonderful ambience. We sat in a private room and enjoyed many wonderful dishes. Take a friend who enjoys well done meat. Then, if like us, you get chatting and forget meat on the grill, the friend can eat the well-cooked items too!

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