あうるぱーく フクロウカフェ池袋 (Owlpark owlcafe) in 豊島区西池袋

Japanあうるぱーく フクロウカフェ池袋 (Owlpark owlcafe)



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Japan, 〒171-0021 Tōkyō-to, 豊島区西池袋Nishiikebukuro, 3 Chome−30, 3-30-11 泰共 フラット ビル 2F
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3984-1097
webseite: owlpark.amebaownd.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.730952, Longitude: 139.706714

kommentare 5

  • en

    Christopher Cope


    At only 1200円 you get unlimited time with the owls. There aren't drinks or food, so it's more a park, as the name implies. The staff are amazing and the owls and hedgehogs are cute. All the owls have a sign, which indicates if you can pet them or hold them. Some where still being trained. For a small fee you can also feed them.

  • Nathaniel



    This was an awesome cafe. It was a little hard to find but is definitely worth it. You pay an entrance fee and then can stay as long as you like. The staff are friendly and the owls are well trained. They have hedgehogs as well. If you are in the area it is worth going by!

  • en

    Rodney Kershaw


    Went to the owl cafe first and saw their fees were triple what owl park were offering and you had to book in a day or 2 in advance and only got an hour with the owls. owl park offered unlimited time with the owls, so why wouldn't you come here !? Owl park staff were super friendly, did their best to speak English and the owls looked happy enough although was hard to ask them.. well kept and great place I couldn't recommend highly enough!

  • James Chang

    James Chang


    Very cute little owl park: brightly lit with lots of owls great and small that you can pet or even let them perch on your arm/shoulder to take pictures. Reasonable admission pricing (¥1200/per.), but it's more of an owl park than cafe as it doesn't have a menu for food or drinks. The owner will direct you to the nearest vending machine if you want something to quench your thirst. But coffee isn't really the reason that drew you to this place, right? Just grab a take-out drink from shops nearby and enjoy these adorable creatures! But as with most birds, there's no telling when they might feel the need to drop a load somewhere, so pad yourself with the pre-prepped towels in the park before letting them perch on you!

  • Serina Gee

    Serina Gee


    Owl park cost about $12 per entry. There's no food or drinks which is fine as that's not what I'm coming here for. The location is a bit difficult to find as it's on the second floor of some small, kind of dingy building, right across the hall from a Vietnamese (or Thai? I forget) travel agency. The room was way smaller than I expected, and they just let us walk in and play with the owls for however long we wanted to. No reservations needed. I enjoyed that accessibility and the friendliness of the staff, I was just taken aback by how small and crowded the room was. There were owls about every 3 feet or so, and most were tied down though a few were allowed to fly around. They were super well behaved, although some seemed very sleepy.

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