アトル en Kitakyushu




🕗 horarios

1-chōme-8-6 Sakaimachi, Kokurakita Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 805-0005, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 93-522-8100
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8822378, Longitude: 130.8839216

comentarios 5

  • 華名美



    This is an Italian restaurant that mainly serves wine. The sommelier carefully explained the food and wine, and we were able to enjoy our meal slowly. It's a stylish restaurant that's great for couples. I want to go again.

  • 梅田泰志



    It goes without saying that the food is delicious, but the customer service is amazing. The sommelier's explanations are comfortable. The wine is also excellent. thank you

  • もふもふヒロ



    It's a really nice shop 🤩 The food is delicious and the customer service is excellent 😊 I had a great time⏳ Thank you very much☺️

  • Flop Flip

    Flop Flip


    The restaurant is located on the second floor, but you can feel the atmosphere from the moment you start climbing the stairs. The stylish and adult-oriented storefront, the concierge-like thoroughness of introducing the menu, and the delicious food all make this restaurant a great place to be. The price is reasonable, so use it as a venue for special parties.

  • a y

    a y


    I got it for the first time at the counter ♥️ The person who served me was kind and talked to me about various things, which made it fun. The food is always very tasty and satisfying.

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