Aso Resort Grandvrio Hotel in Aso

JapanAso Resort Grandvrio Hotel


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Japan, 〒869-2232 Kumamoto, Aso, Akamizu, 米塚温泉
kontakte telefon: +81 967-35-2111
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.9124627, Longitude: 131.0165448

kommentare 5

  • Charles Hsu

    Charles Hsu


    A quiet and peaceful hotel to enjoy. Fantastic spring experience.

  • Li Ming Sim

    Li Ming Sim


    Good breakfast spread, buffet dinner was delicious with snow crab legs! Worth it

  • Kenn Ong

    Kenn Ong


    Hotel is away from town and eating places. Need to drive out. Hotel is not a good place for non smokers. We booked for non smoking rooms but were given non smoking room on a smoking floor. What a joke. When we walked along the corridor we could smell cigarette smoke. After insisting for a non smoking room on a non smoking floor, then they relented.

  • tif C

    tif C


    We stayed 02 nights at this hotel. Agreed with other reviewers the room are dated and in need of a refurbishment. The pictures in the website looks much nicer and it’s quite dim in the rooms. We chose the rooms facing the golf range without any meals. Not sure about food quality as we did not dine at any of onsite restaurants. This hotel is catered more for big tour groups as part of their tour package perhaps. Buffet Dinner is expensive at approx $50 usd. It can be quite dark at night when we drive back to the hotel and there are only a few restaurants that are opened pass 5pm japan time. If you are not driving, it will be a long walk from main road to the hotel. There is a convenience store located in the lobby and you can purchase bottles of drinking water as they are not provided by the hotel. It’s actually a nice place for golfers though as there is onsen onsite. Quite a few golfers can be seen playing on the range when we checked out. A bathing bag with Yukata is provided for which is a nice touch. A refurbishment will be very much ideal.

  • Eunjoo Hwang

    Eunjoo Hwang


    Tourist hotels check out early, so they usually check in a little early, but I waited for 3 hours in the lobby. They are not friendly to family visitors because they are a golf hotel . It's very hard to wait three hours in the lobby with my child . It's a hotel that doesn't care about customers at all.

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