Yunoyado Irifune in Aso

JapanYunoyado Irifune



🕗 öffnungszeiten

834-2 Ozato, Aso, Kumamoto 869-2307, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 967-32-0781
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.977961, Longitude: 131.042915

kommentare 5

  • Kaze Story (kaze-Monogatari)

    Kaze Story (kaze-Monogatari)


    It's a very good hot spring. I sometimes come from Kumamoto to take a hot spring bath. It's a day trip. Sometimes it's a problem because the voices of local customers are so loud. There is a communication center nearby, so I think there are buses from Aso Station.

  • dao chang lim

    dao chang lim


    Cosy Inn with spacious, well equipped rooms. Ensuite toilet and sink, shower at the onsen. Overnight guests can use any of the 5 private baths with no time limit. Food is fantastic, made with fresh ingredients. Can see the chef pays a lot of attention to detail and presentation. Great service from staff too. Great value for money overall!

  • James Cunningham

    James Cunningham


    The onsen is small but there are private ones available, and the water is amazing. Your skin will thank-you and you will feel refreshed.

  • Thatipoom Donsommai

    Thatipoom Donsommai


    I love this place. Good staffs and very friendly. I can use hot-spring for private. Breakfast here, I can get vegetarian food, just tell them when make reservation.

  • Heihachiro Kawabe

    Heihachiro Kawabe


    Reasonable price. The water is really good. "Family 🛀 rooms" are small and there is no mirror nor hair dryer so all those tasks needs to be done outside, a bit embarrassing.

nächste Spa

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