アルファ デンタル オフィス in Kure

Japanアルファ デンタル オフィス



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-3-1 Washō, Kure, Hiroshima 737-0041, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 823-32-6482
webseite: www.alpha-do.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.24673, Longitude: 132.571307

kommentare 4

  • Shintoevo Evolfe

    Shintoevo Evolfe


  • th th

    th th


    Treated tooth decay. The toothache was not getting better, so I went to a different dentist and had an X-ray taken, but the cavity was still there, so I had it treated. I will never go there again.

  • Brent Dowland

    Brent Dowland


    Very modern dental office.

  • Tama



    Even Tama, who hates going to the dentist because he is so ultra-hyper and prays to God from the bottom of his heart, was able to go there (゚ω゚) Good luck. Well, in the end, I was able to attend because the lady at the reception desk was so good-looking that I couldn't bear to be patient anymore (;´Д`)hahaha The parking lot can accommodate 4 cars (^^) There is a fee for accounting, but you can use a credit card (*・ω・)ノ Being able to use a credit card was very helpful for tama who doesn't have cash (゚ω゚) Because I don't have much pocket money, so I don't have enough cash to pay the dentist...(。ŏ﹏ŏ) Please Come Back My Salary (^o^) Aaaaaaah I have written a few jokes so far, but to summarize briefly (sage mode) I think he is a really good dentist (*・ω・)ノ I am satisfied with the examination, my skills, and the equipment (・ω・) Pecoli Everyone please take care of your teeth (^з^)-☆

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