匠歯科・矯正歯科 in Hiroshima




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2-chōme-10-22 Higashisendamachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0053, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 82-243-0270
webseite: takumi-dc.net
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.3771292, Longitude: 132.4591057

kommentare 5

  • いそもとさとし



    While there are many dentists who recommend orthodontic treatment that requires tooth extraction, Takumi Dentistry diagnosed that the teeth can be cured without extraction. I wanted to keep the treatment period to about one year as much as possible, but since I will be going out of the prefecture for work, I forced myself to go to the hospital twice a month in the end, and completed the orthodontic treatment before I started working outside the prefecture. I got it. I would like to express my gratitude to all the doctors and beautiful hygienists who listened to my selfish thoughts. Now that my teeth have been straightened, I can now smile with confidence!

  • 090 KAWASE

    090 KAWASE


    I had my teeth straightened. There was almost no pain, and I was worried that my teeth would actually move, but my teeth were now properly aligned. good

  • waco al

    waco al


    I went for a consultation for a second opinion on cavities treatment. She listened carefully to my concerns and concerns, and kindly explained them to me. This time, I did not undergo any treatment and just observed the progress, but I was very relieved that my concerns were resolved. It's easy to get to since it's close to Hiroden-mae Station. A teacher who listens.

  • no name

    no name


    I had my teeth whitened. All I had to do was remove the stain, remove tartar, clean my teeth, take impressions of my teeth, have a custom mouthpiece made, and do the rest at home. It turned out to be a satisfying white!

  • あいAI



    I had new dentures made for my father. I had dentures made by various dentists, but with no success, but the dentures made by Takumi Dentistry are in good condition and I am happy that my meals are now delicious. The dental impressions were not tiring, and the treatment seemed to be safe. From now on, I will be going for regular check-ups for maintenance to prevent periodontal disease. As someone who cooks meals, I am very happy to see my father cooking delicious meals. Dentures seem to be completely different depending on the dentist who makes them.

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