APA Hotel Tsukiji Station south i Chūō-ku

JapanAPA Hotel Tsukiji Station south



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Japan, 〒104-0045 Tōkyō-to, Chūō-ku, Tsukiji, 7 Chome−10−11
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3549-0111
internet side: www.apahotel.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6660088, Longitude: 139.7750907

kommentar 5

  • en

    Henry Liao


    attentive service. comfortable room. Central location

  • en



    This hotel is close to tsukiji subway station and 7mins walk from tsukiji market, but the room was small, two large-size laugages almost occupied the whole room, so if you like a more comfortable accommodation, here wouldn't be not a good choice

  • en

    An Jinyeong


    Really good location, tiny room but it's affordable. So I have not much to complain. They won't help you with the restaurant reservations.

  • Justin Tan

    Justin Tan


    Rooms are great. Staff are welcoming. If anything why the missing star, perhaps have a few spare travel adapters just in case.

  • en

    Leng-Feng Lee


    Room is pretty small but that's typical in Tokyo. The main reason to stay here is to go see the tuna auction at Tsukiji market at 4am in the morning. It is within walking distance to Tsukiji market. :)

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