
🕗 åbningstider

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Japan, 〒102-0072 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Iidabashi, 3 Chome−4−6
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3511-8311
internet side: www.apahotel.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.7009606, Longitude: 139.7477286

kommentar 5

  • en

    Adam Gonzalez


    APA is a fantastic hotel chain in Japan. Always great service and a great price.

  • en



    Super hotel. Everyone on the frot desk was so helpful n friendly. Couldn't ask for more. HAPPY Trails

  • en

    Sehwa Hong


    Clean hotel. Easy to get subway. Good breakfast!

  • Senkan Koukuu

    Senkan Koukuu


    Not bad. I absolutely hated the Kyoto branch of this hotel but this place was fine. For 5000 yen a night on a Sunday, yes, I do recommend this place. It's also awesome that the rooms are so much brighter than the Kyoto ones. Won't pay more than 10,000 yen though.

  • Ranshani Nagahawatte

    Ranshani Nagahawatte


    From the looks of it, it's good. Very small rooms nut it's somehow manageable. (travel light yo Japan especially. But unfortunately, there was a cockroach inside n the small drawer with amenities to make tea. Efejvth mugs are inside those drawers. Also to notice, the curtains aren't clean. There's some sort of gecko poop on the curtains. It's disgusting actually. Please try to maintain the surroundings.

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