ANA Crowne Plaza Hiroshima, an IHG Hotel en Hiroshima

JapónANA Crowne Plaza Hiroshima, an IHG Hotel


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7-20 Nakamachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0037, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-241-1111
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Latitude: 34.3904452, Longitude: 132.4569381

comentarios 5

  • Leo Hui

    Leo Hui


    ·Overview In 1978, during Hiroshima's urban reconstruction, ANA Crowne Plaza was established, directly constructed on the site of the historic Kotaiji Temple, which has a 500-year history (the hotel entrance still preserves remnants of the Atago Pond). The hotel was even acclaimed as the best national architecture during the Showa era. In 2007, the hotel underwent renovations and was refurbished again last year, focusing solely on the executive floors and executive lounge. ·Location The hotel boasts the best location and views in Hiroshima. Surrounded by the city's largest commercial district, Chugoku Department Store, and bustling shopping streets, it is conveniently located near bus stops and tram stations. Adjacent to the hotel is the Shiragami Shrine, once a prominent landmark alongside the Kotaiji Temple. ·Rooms As an IHG Diamond member, I stayed in a newly refurbished room on the executive floor. At 30 square meters, it is the second-largest among the three newly renovated room types, providing ample space. The gray-tone decor with walnut accents is quite pleasing. ·Restaurants As a Diamond member, breakfast is only available in the executive lounge, with a variety that doesn't quite match the lobby's offerings, but the service is commendable. Afternoon tea in the lounge is passable but not as good as in other hotels. The Happy Hour menu is average, but the drink selection is comprehensive and thoughtful. The view from the executive lounge is impressive, offering a panoramic view of Hiroshima city, Miyajima, and the Seto Inland Sea.

  • Grant Sheridan

    Grant Sheridan


    Easy to get to from Hiroshima Station on the No.1 tram/street car. The hotel is located within easy walking distance to the Peace Park, Museum and A Bomb Dome as well as shopping area. Room was ok but I did reserve one of the smaller rooms. Access to fully equipped Anytime Fitness gym was appreciated. Buffet breakfast was great. Friendly and helpful staff.

  • Michael Taylor

    Michael Taylor


    Hotel is nice and quiet. VERY compact rooms; we basically had nowhere to put our open luggage and had to store it in the hallway. Good service and the bar is good.

  • David Mueller

    David Mueller


    Conveniently located and good value for money. Clean rooms and good service. Very small rooms, but fine if you’re not planning to spend lots of time there. Friendly staff. Restaurant; bar, and cafe in the lobby. Razor, soap, toothbrush etc. provided.

  • Harrison Lambert

    Harrison Lambert


    Nice hotel, with a multiple dine in restaurants. Located within walking distance of a huge shopping district and memorial site. My room was a bit pricey for what it was and the shower head was broken so it constantly shot water at the wall. Granted it had excellent pressure so using it as a handheld wasn’t bad. Would recommend

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