American Dining Tomato and Onion Kobe Fujiwaradai store w Kobe

JaponiaAmerican Dining Tomato and Onion Kobe Fujiwaradai store



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-4-1 Fujiwaradai Nakamachi, Kita Ward, Kobe, Hyogo 651-1302, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 78-984-5088
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Latitude: 34.8228097, Longitude: 135.2180129

komentarze 5

  • たか兄ちゃん



    I went on a weekday at noon. The store was fairly crowded, but we were able to get in without having to wait. I ordered the lunch set menu, which included a drink bar, and the cost was about 1300-1400 yen. The lunch set comes with rice, curry, and a soup bar and is a good value for money. Since the curry is also eaten by children, it has a sweet taste, so it was not enough for adults. *Additional spicy spices are available. The soup bar also lacked salt and felt bland. The hamburger steak is satisfying because you can feel the meaty texture and taste.

  • Masaaki Wada

    Masaaki Wada


    The bullet hamburger was very delicious. I was able to order an additional stone-grilled hamburger and was able to enjoy a piping hot hamburger.

  • 中川凌輔



    Visited the store on May 8th. The food was delicious and the staff's customer service was very good. The only thing that bothered me was that there were not many customers, maybe because it was a weekday. The number of family restaurants has been decreasing in recent years, which is a bit worrying. It's a store that I have fond memories of since I was a child, so I hope it continues to do its best without going under. That's it!

  • M ARI

    M ARI


    I used it for lunch when I went to Mita❣ Tomato & Onion is a national chain and seems to be available in many locations. This time, I ordered... ◆Misuji Steak & Grilled Shrimp with Head 2.419 yen +A set [Soup and rice (with black curry)] 440 yen 《Total amount》2.859 yen ◆Misuji Steak & Headed Shrimp & Fried Oysters 2.199 yen +A set [Soup and rice (with black curry)] 440 yen 《Total amount》2.639 yen Are the prices a little higher than other chain stores? I think so! However, it comes with black curry and daily soup. I love that you can have as many refills as you like♪ The steak is tender and the shrimp are big! At other chain stores, you will always receive something smaller than the photo. This is often the case, but this shop was exactly the same size as the photo! All the dishes were delicious so I can see why it's so popular! It's a winter-limited menu, so it's only available now. I'm glad I ordered it (^▽^)/

  • フラン



    Good food and good price

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