アクエア・メディカル・ステーション en Yokkaichi




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1067-1 Ōyachichō, Yokkaichi, Mie 510-8034, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 59-366-0011
sitio web: www.aquairms.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0190934, Longitude: 136.6359786

comentarios 5

  • 岩馬朝



    Thank you for your continued support Both the nurses and teachers smile and kindly interact with children, so I don't have to be afraid to go to the hospital. If you have any concerns, you can feel at ease knowing that he listens carefully to your questions. I think the waiting time will vary if it gets crowded, but since it's just a reservation time, I don't worry about that too much.

  • 桃佳



    【 postscript 】 The other day, my child visited the doctor because he had a persistent cough. I had given up on it because no one told me the name of the disease, but even though it was clearly different from a normal cough, I just felt it and realized it was just a cold. That ended, and I became worried so I went to another hospital, where they gave me a nasal swab test and the result was RS. Even if it's okay to give in 100 steps for being unfriendly, I would like a thorough diagnosis. [Previous post] When you ask a teacher about something you don't understand or are concerned about, the teacher responds with a snort of laughter, as if you're making fun of him. Even if I make an appointment, I have to wait a long time, but since it's close to my house and the appointment slots are relatively open, it's easy to get an appointment, so I use my family doctor, but I understand that it's busy and difficult, but please don't go here. I would like to have it. I think they should think about how to respond a little more, such as by glaring at the nurses when they make even the slightest mistake. I don't feel good about it.

  • Yuki K

    Yuki K


    P.S. The other day, I had my child examined for a cold, and I was shocked to hear him say, ``Why aren't you giving him the vaccine? The coronavirus isn't going away because some people don't get it.'' Children have not contracted the coronavirus, and there is no basis for such claims. I felt very sad because I trusted him. I don't think I'll ever see a doctor again. [Previous post] Thank you for taking care of my child's vaccinations. There is a separate entrance from other patients and a separate waiting room, so you can feel at ease, and the doctor is gentle and will answer any questions you may have.

  • Sunny Lupinus N

    Sunny Lupinus N


    It's better than I expected! ! First vaccination in 2 months. However, since I went on a Saturday in the fall, it was very crowded and the parking lot, which had more than 10 cars, was empty, so next time I will go on a weekday. When I spoke to both the receptionist and the teacher, I got the impression that they were kind and not as nice as other reviews. It's true that it can be difficult when you're busy, but the nurses were especially kind to me. Even though it was busy, the doctors and nurses answered all my questions carefully, which I was grateful for. Is the teacher in his early 60s? Since he is a veteran teacher and seems to be knowledgeable about viruses, I can safely receive vaccinations.

  • m “ミク” m

    m “ミク” m


    disease and vaccination system Separate entrance and waiting room I think it's very good. There are no problems with the response from the teachers and reception. You can also make online reservations by specifying a time. I'm happy. However, I have never been seen on time. Wait approximately 30 minutes plus the specified time.

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