Akihabara Nisshin camera head office i Chiyoda-ku

JapanAkihabara Nisshin camera head office



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Japan, 〒101-0033 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, 神田岩本町1−13 清新ビル 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3251-7504
internet side: nisshin-camera.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.696403, Longitude: 139.775108

kommentar 5

  • cjptlb



    Great place to go try out hundreds of camera body's and heaps of lenses . Also the other levels are jam packed with other great tech stuff!

  • en

    Le Möff


    A cozy little camera shop, at the edge of akihabara. If you are searching for used analogue cameras this is the place to go. The assortment is not gigantic, but proportional to the size of the shop. The camera I bought there turned out to be a hidden gem, that is actually not that easy to get outside of Japan, and also had a really reasonable prize. The customer service is friendly and honest. You really feel, that they know what they are talking about.

  • Marco Logmans

    Marco Logmans


    They know what they are selling. But not cheap. Down the side street used to be another shop of them which carried B-grade cameras and lenses. But they sometimes had some nice stuff for cheap. This main shop has a nice variety of second hand items.

  • Patrick Unson

    Patrick Unson


    It's a fairly good place to find some old film lenses. Some are still on display with other good lenses while some are labeled as junk. Junk can be purchased at really low prices, no return and no exchange. It breaks, your loss but if you ask politely, they're very willing to let you test them on your camera body. I suggest you ask the current condition. The one I purchased had some smog but ¥2,000 for a working junk lens is terrific and fun!

  • en

    Jason Aniolkowski


    This shop has amazing service! If you politely ask to see a camera, they will get it out of the cabinet and let you try it. Some cool cameras here, including a bit of medium format. A+

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