Akibaoo 2nd Shop i Chiyoda-ku

JapanAkibaoo 2nd Shop



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒101-0021 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Sotokanda, 1丁目8−10 バウハウス 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3251-6747
internet side: www.akibaoo.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6990739, Longitude: 139.7704824

kommentar 5

  • Steve Pau

    Steve Pau


    A lot of cheap electronics and the price quite cheap.

  • Alby E

    Alby E


    Super rude staff. They are clueless about what they sell. Dont buy here unless you want to get something broken or not fitting your needs. They only speak in japanese and if you ask anything in english they will just say 'yes, yes' hoping you just leave them alone.

  • C. MQS

    C. MQS


    Great shop franchise for computer accessories and gadget. Pretty cool prices.

  • モハメド



    Pretty cheap.

  • Kyle Hasegawa

    Kyle Hasegawa


    I would call this a novelty technology shop. The items are always new and interesting, such as reversible microUSB cables, though the quality is not usually the highest. It's still worth visiting each time I go to Akihabara.

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