Akebono Coffee Shimonoseki Chofu w Shimonoseki

JaponiaAkebono Coffee Shimonoseki Chofu



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-15 Chōfusotourachō, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 752-0985, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 83-227-4448
strona internetowej: www.akebono-coffee.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.9870023, Longitude: 130.9895728

komentarze 5

  • good morning

    good morning


    It's a very casual and relaxing cafe, but the food is small. If you're a man, order two and you'll be able to eat to your heart's content. As a custom order, it would be nice to be able to order a large serving or a second helping of bread. The soup was obviously instant, salty and had a strange taste. It comes with omelet rice service, but it's a taste that makes you want to refuse. It would be nice if you could change the soup and salad. I think it's great that it's open until late for this area, but to be honest, I don't think the cost performance of the food is good, probably because there aren't any rival restaurants. I recommend the lemon steak, but considering the price, I wonder if it will fill me up...

  • のりぴー



    I usually only had drinks, but this was the first time I had a meal. The curry was a European-style roux, and the meat was very soft and easy to eat. The coffee is delicious, the atmosphere is great, and this is my favorite shop.

  • 田舎道ぱたぱたツーリング



    The cafe had a comfortable table arrangement. When you enter, the floor to the left has a low-light atmosphere, but the floor to the right has many windows and feels bright with sunlight coming in from outside. I wanted to read a book so it was really nice to be on the lighter side. The interior decoration gave me the feel of a Showa-era coffee shop or a restaurant on a ship, and the variety of food menus matched the atmosphere of the restaurant. I guess that's why the tea I ordered came with a slightly old-fashioned hourglass 😊 The seats were spaced just right, so I was able to relax for an hour without worrying about my surroundings.

  • 弓月斗真



    I drove to Shimonoseki with a friend from Kansai and took a detour to take a break, my first visit. Since I had eaten elsewhere, I ordered pancakes and coffee. The sweetness of the pancake itself is suppressed. First, I enjoyed it with just the butter, the sweetness with the maple syrup and whipped cream, and the sourness with the blueberries. Akebono's original blend was easy to drink because it had a good balance of sourness, bitterness, and depth and didn't have a strong taste.

  • Andy Leung

    Andy Leung


    Very good iced latte

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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