Akaike Post Office w Fukuchi

JaponiaAkaike Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

521-60 Akaike, Fukuchi, Tagawa District, Fukuoka 822-1199, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 947-28-2042
strona internetowej: map.japanpost.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.6950231, Longitude: 130.7609283

komentarze 5

  • anzu



    I was asking if I could change it to a pin or a new bill, but I was told to get a numbered bill, and I said I would take the money if I could, but I could! It was a kind of attitude. I thought it would be great if I could do it, so I suppressed my feelings, took a number ticket, and got in line, and it was up to 50,000 yen! and…. picture? I paid 150,000 yen...then I wanted you to say that. If it was 50,000 yen, I would have had it, but I didn't say it because it was a hassle...I guess you could call it a service mentality, but the guy at the counter was really bad at dealing with me. Are you making fun of young people?

  • ・ふう



    I have a package held at this post office that I can't pick up due to work, and the delivery person is very courteous.

  • 増住公子



    All the staff members are pleasant and smiling.

  • Hack Quick

    Hack Quick


    A post office that I don't even want to give 1 star. A man wearing glasses at the post office here started harassing me because he offered me corn and I didn't buy it. Even when I ask them how to write documents, they purposely do not tell me. If there's something I don't understand, I keep calling someone and making them wait. I didn't like this person so I didn't use the post office I was originally at, but here I am. It's malicious to push products and harass people. It is no wonder that Japan's problems arise.

  • ナストシ



    The mail was received promptly and courteously.

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