Nougata Ganda Post Office w Nogata

JaponiaNougata Ganda Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1391 Ganda, Nogata, Fukuoka 822-0001, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 949-26-5577
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.7651119, Longitude: 130.7368561

komentarze 5

  • たてゆう



    I didn't know where to park, so I just wanted to use the ATM, so I parked in front of the store and when I came out, an elderly woman who looked like a Yankee glared at me and started nagging at me. Is that person at the beauty salon next door? I parked it in front of the post office, but I don't know if that's the post office parking lot. I would like them to make it clear by putting up a sign or putting up a sign.

  • もち麦



    Parking manners are too bad. There are a lot of people who park their cars in places they shouldn't, and they can't get inside. The white line is also handwritten for some reason, so it's hard to see. There are several residences behind the post office, and residents are parking their cars without permission on the road where they take their cars in and out, so I don't think that should be done. Why aren't post offices doing maintenance? The people at the post office are very kind and easy to use, but I wish they would do something about the parking manners of their customers.

  • 坂下悠樹



    Parking lot is difficult

  • Googleアカウント



    Parking lot is small. A few years ago, I told him about my child's educational insurance, saying, ``I'll look into it. I'll call you.'' But he called me and was very adamant.




    There is a parking lot for wheelchairs, but it seems difficult to park.

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