Afternoon Tea w Sapporo

JaponiaAfternoon Tea



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 怒060-0061 Hokkaido, Sapporo, Chuo Ward, Minami 1 Jōnishi, 3-chōmeāˆ’ļ¼˜ ęœ­å¹Œäø‰č¶Š B2階
kontakt telefon: +81 11-222-8335
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 43.059232, Longitude: 141.3531315

komentarze 5

  • snow white

    snow white


    I sometimes buy tea and sweets, but this was my first time inside the store. The space was more spacious and comfortable than I expected. The staff had good customer service and the pasta was delicious.

  • ꛬé›Ŗēš„ę—„子



    The drinks and snacks are delicious. However, it is difficult for the clerk to pay attention to the needs of all customers during busy hours, as they are busy clearing tables and picking up new customers. I raised my hand and called the waiter, but there was no response. In the end, I had to stand up and go to the dining room to ask the waiter to add water for me, which was not a good feeling. In addition, when asking about the set drinks, they failed to explain which drinks needed to be increased in price. They only said that they could choose from them. I felt that education and training could be strengthened.

  • Mary Flynn Boener

    Mary Flynn Boener


    A beautiful - easy spot to rest. After walking about 7 miles today - found myself in the Sapporo underground & spied this place. So grateful for hot tea & delicious snack on a Sunday afternoon. The staff are sweet. The food is excellent.

  • Y Nguyen

    Y Nguyen


    This dish is limited in Sapporo area. A qualified dish with very nice service from staff. I love it.

  • i ce

    i ce


    The tableware and food presentation for the afternoon tea was very nice, but the inside of the restaurant was cramped and the distance from other tables was small, making the atmosphere uncomfortable. There was a partition installed, but it didn't make much sense if you were traveling with two people...The staff's response was hit or miss, and the cost performance was not very good.

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