Afternoon Tea TEAROOM Entetsu Hamamatsu Restaurant w Hamamatsu

JaponiaAfternoon Tea TEAROOM Entetsu Hamamatsu Restaurant



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Japan, 〒430-8588 Shizuoka, Hamamatsu, Chūō-ku, Sunayamachō, 320−2 遠鉄百貨店 新館 1階
kontakt telefon: +81 53-415-8951
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7044477, Longitude: 137.73295

komentarze 5

  • やまだてとしみつ



    It's quite busy even on weekday lunchtimes. It's a little pricey, but the tables are spaced wide, the aisles are wide, and the staff are polite and attentive, making it a relaxing place to spend your time. Of course, the tea and cake were also delicious, so I was completely satisfied. I would like to try apple pie next time.

  • ちょっと



    I've been wanting to eat parfait since New Year's, and when I looked for it, I was excited to find that in addition to parfait, they had my favorite teas, and they had a wide variety of them. The New Year's Lasagna Plate (with bread) includes not only the main ingredient, lasagna, but also marinated red cabbage, pumpkin salad, various lettuces, and glass sweets for dessert all on one plate, all in a small bakery basket. It also came with a cute bun that fit perfectly. Lasagna is made with a pechamel sauce made with broccoli and lotus root, which has a nice texture, and layered with meat sauce and potatoes.The browned cheese on the surface gives it a fragrant aroma that whets the appetite. The lettuce salad was a variety of lettuce, including sunny lettuce, baby leaves, and green leaves, and the dressing had a refreshing, sour taste. The strawberry and jasmine tea jelly glass sweet has herbs, fresh cream, strawberry pulp, strawberry sauce, and jasmine tea jelly on top. It went well with the sourness. Strawberry Darjeeling's Second Flush Blend is a drink that can be added to meal sets, and fortunately it is also available as a seasonal option, and can be served in both pots and teacups with milk. When you pour the black tea, it smells like strawberries, and the full-bodied, mellow flavor typical of summer-picked black tea spreads throughout.The deep red color is reminiscent of black tea, and the strawberry flavor is naturally present. It has a sweet and sour aroma reminiscent of ripe fruit, and is enjoyed straight when drinking with a meal, or with a small amount of milk after a meal. The Strawberry and Earl Gray Parfait was a luxurious parfait with strawberry confiture, elderflower and apple flavored jelly, Earl Gray whipped cream, homemade tea crumble, vanilla ice cream, strawberry ice cream, and two stick crackers. In addition, cranberry fruit is mixed into the black tea crumble, giving it an occasional sour taste, and the apple-flavored jelly is filled with strawberry pulp. It was a parfait that really felt the season. In addition to seasonal black teas, the menu seems to have a wide variety of items, from originals to famous blends, specialty teas, and flavored teas.If possible, I would like to sample all of them and compare them. ・Afternoon tea blend (Assam and Nilgiri) ・Five O'Clock Tea (Assam and Keimen) ・Darjeeling ・Assam ・Earl Gray (famous flavored tea)

  • Steven Sim

    Steven Sim


    Nice ambiance, great place to chill.

  • Bảo Ý Lương

    Bảo Ý Lương


    I really love this place 🧡🧡

  • 김진욱



    Yuri was so kind. Pay her some big money

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