A-price Saga i Saga

JapanA-price Saga



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒840-0811 Saga, Ōtakara, 3-chōme−11−16 トーホーキャシュアンドキャリー
kontakter telefon: +81 952-25-0516
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.2623953, Longitude: 130.3024667

kommentar 5

  • bus dome

    bus dome


    I go to this store once every two or three months in search of maniacal and great value products that cannot be found in a typical commercial supermarket. For example, chickpeas. At the time I paid attention to this ingredient, there was no major chain chain, Daizai Store, and I could only find it in limited quantities at Maxvalu or a certain store in Mallage. And to hell with this store/chain of Buddha. 500g of American dried beans cost around 3,400 yen (at the time). 500g of dried beans is surprisingly versatile and can be stored well. Also, the products sold at the Pronoun chain are pre-boiled frozen products, so if you're a cook, you'll know that they're actually not that cheap. I once experienced a memorable scene where a customer, who was probably a staff member at a curry/ethnic food specialty restaurant, bought 5 or 6 bags in bulk right in front of me. It was at this store that I first saw and bought Hsinchu rice flour. If you're thinking, "I'd like to try using 〇〇 ingredients, but I can't find them/They're expensive," I recommend visiting this store at least once.

  • Nazmul Hasan

    Nazmul Hasan


    Halal chicken from Brazil will be found in A-price. Frozen vegetables, fish items and duck are cheap. Different kinds of spices are available. A section provides coffee from Toho coffee. In a line, all kinds of restaurant stuffs are available and cheap.

  • hiếu nguyễn

    hiếu nguyễn



  • AR - Channel (Membagi hal Positif)

    AR - Channel (Membagi hal Positif)


    This store..... available of halal chiken, we like it.

  • K a r L

    K a r L


    good store for wholesale

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