7-Eleven i Ashikaga




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1125-4 Kashimachō, Ashikaga, Tochigi 326-0844, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 284-62-8510
internet side: www.sej.co.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 36.3447522, Longitude: 139.4133578

kommentar 5

  • ゆう



    Hiramoto-san's customer service was very good.

  • k



    Even though there is no limit on the number of tickets in Ichiban Kuji, when I won the A prize, I was told not to draw anymore.

  • 雷獣さちゃ丸



    Even though I had a place in line for the cashier, I was cut in by another customer. The clerk didn't pay attention... I just waited, but I don't know what happened. I gave it 2 stars, but I had to use the restroom and my shoes got muddy on the floor, so I'm sorry, so I gave it 3 stars.

  • もん



    Even though we had no choice but to eat outside in the rain under the roof of the store, the manager told us that this was not the place to eat. It was pointed out like this. I wasn't leaving any trash behind, I just stood there and thought I'd take a break, but I wasn't very narrow-minded and didn't want to make a mess, but I was told that I was disturbing the place by leaving early. I don't have any grudges or anything like that, but I'm not saying I'm quitting my job in the customer service industry right now, closing the shop, and criticizing the convenience store industry, but I don't think I'm cut out for that either, so I think it would be better for me to retire. I think it's good. I thought it would be better not to insult the customer. I will never use it again. If you decide to use the store, all the other store employees are kind, so be careful of the store manager's insidious glasses.

  • Lion Heart

    Lion Heart



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