7-Eleven in Tochigi




🕗 öffnungszeiten

Sonntag24 stunden geöffnet
Montag24 stunden geöffnet
Dienstag24 stunden geöffnet
Mittwoch24 stunden geöffnet
Donnerstag24 stunden geöffnet
Freitag24 stunden geöffnet
Samstag24 stunden geöffnet
1-chōme-2-26 Hirayanagimachi, Tochigi, 328-0012, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 282-23-8412
webseite: www.sej.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.386557, Longitude: 139.7400208

kommentare 5

  • O N

    O N


    I went on a weekday at 1pm. The male clerk is very friendly.

  • 石川典一



    It's a convenience store in my neighborhood! I only go there once in a while, but it's a good store.

  • 黄粉黄粉



    My phone card got swallowed, so I called the store clerk and she was very nice to me.

  • はじー



    After drawing the Ichiban Kuji 10 times, the capacity was not confirmed, so after bringing it to the car, I was scolded and told to show it to a big person, which made me feel the worst. I think there is an attitude of checking things properly.

  • おちゃらけレディー



    worst. When I tried to give him some change, he paid the bill without saying a word, and when I asked him if he could give me some change, he clicked his tongue and asked me what he wanted me to do! ? He said. lol After asking for my name, I was told that since I was a part-time worker, it didn't matter if I complained, and then the store manager was called over, so I just waited. He said. In fact, the store manager's response was so bad that my part-time worker told me that he seemed to be dissatisfied with my customer service, and the store manager just said, ``Oh, that's right.'' In other words, the entire staff should be replaced. I feel sorry for the staff who are working so hard.

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