66 DINER in Toyota

Japan66 DINER



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Sanwa-83-7 Wakabayashi Higashimachi, Toyota, Aichi 473-0914, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 565-78-8777
webseite: www.mother-road66.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.0206788, Longitude: 137.1133431

kommentare 5

  • Noah Nippon

    Noah Nippon


    Very original style and music, but the most important, the food is delicious.

  • Alan Gobetti

    Alan Gobetti


    the food is very good and the service too, however it is an american themed lanchone, all the drinks and dishes are american, the decor too and you can not speak english with any employee, not even the menu has an english option. This is disappointing.

  • Connard コナードJaques ジャック

    Connard コナードJaques ジャック


    Great burger. I had their signature burger. A bit messy. The bun is good, but doesn't hold up to the juiciness of the pile. Really could include a bigger portion of fries (see photo). Staff is great, but very limited English. As another reviewer mentioned... no English menu. A bit strange since all the decor is based on Route 66. Also, Japanese style toilet. If I'm in the area again... I will repeat.

  • Joana Takigawa

    Joana Takigawa


    Hit Authenticity but left out the Realism, they didn't have a English menu, coming from an American you would expect a Diner that is attempting to mimic your culture to have a English menu and a wider selection of music. Enjoyed the food but was not too impressed.

  • scott benton

    scott benton


    A great american style bar, just wow, you get a lot of burger, 200g of beef in one patty, the burgers are actually big enough that you need a knife and fork. Went here on valentines day with my girlfriend, was a lovely experience.

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