Sweets Garden in Kariya

JapanSweets Garden



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Japan, 〒448-0806 Aichi, Kariya, Shōeichō, 3-chōme−15−1
kontakte telefon: +81 566-28-6163
webseite: sweetsgarden.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.9760018, Longitude: 137.0321876

kommentare 5

  • もちこ



    I ate a parfait at eat-in! It was very satisfying and delicious♪ I would like to visit you again ^_^

  • みふい



    Cake shop. It looks stylish and just looking at it makes me feel excited. Ordered tiramisu and sweet potato for adults. It was delicious. Some people bought several roll cakes called Nishikawa Rolls, and they seem to be a popular item.

  • けんken



    It was located in a residential area and had a stylish appearance. There are many types of sweets, and this time I bought macarons. We asked them to choose their favorite 5 macaron flavors and wrap them for us. The macarons were light and delicious! I would also like to try other sweets.

  • とらねこ



    I came here because I wanted to eat parfait. As soon as you enter, there are many cakes lined up, and the dessert menu is at the entrance of the eat-in space on the right. Order your dessert at the entrance and then go to your table. All the parfaits were delicious with fruit and fresh cream. It's irresistible for fresh cream lovers. As expected, it's a cake shop. The taste and atmosphere were good, but the staff's customer service was a little unsatisfying.

  • ゴッサムダカール



    I visited on a weekday evening. First, choose a cake from the showcase and head to the cafe space. The cafe space has a very fairy-tale feel that will get you excited. I chose ruby ​​chocolate cake and tea. I'm happy to get a 100 yen discount on the set. The taste of the cake is very refreshing and not too sweet. It's not heavy at all. I thought I could get another one. It was delicious!

nächste Cafe

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